How We Felt: Designs and Techniques from Contemporary Felt Artists

How We Felt: Designs and Techniques from Contemporary Felt Artists

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Product Information

How We Felt: Designs and Techniques from Contemporary Felt Artists

Author:Carol Huber Cypher

Publisher: Interweave Press, 2007


Binding: Softcover

In this beautifully photographed collection, images of signature works by admired fiber artists complement in-depth information on creating their unique felting effects. Highlighting more than 20 artists and numerous projects, including hats, capes, bags, slippers, jewelry, rugs, pillows, curtains, an ottoman, and a felted chess set, the book excites the advanced, beginner, and intermediate felter alike. A gallery section showcases other artists' work and further sparks the imagination. The combination of images, ideas, and information make this book a must-have for feltmakers who want to deepen their repertoire of techniques, aspiring fiber artists seeking new directions for their work, and any reader wanting to be dazzled with breathtaking images of inventive artwork.

About the Author:

Carol Huber Cypher is an accomplished beader and feltmaker. She teaches in the fashion program at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York and is the author of Hand Felted Jewelry and Beads and Mastering Beadwork. She lives in Port Ewen, New York.

Condition: Excellent

Product CodeHOWB5L6J8
Stock Level1

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