How to Make Hats At Home Introducing the easy new 'circle method'
Author: Irene Sutton
Publisher: Bramcost Publications
Book Type: Spiral-bound
ISBN: 9781934268575
pages 45
Originally published in 1952, this vintage millinery book contains instructions and patterns for making hats using the "circle method." The author presents four basic hat styles -- pill box, calot, jockey, cloche -- and shows you how to professionally finish your hat choice by applying the step-by-step directions to basic styles in this book. The contents include: How to Cover Frames -- Using new or leftover materials from suits, coats or dresses including trimmings, veilings and hatpins -- Felts -- Restyling old hats or new felt bodies and hoods into the four basic styles (and sailor style). Felt trimmings, draping felts, crown and brims are covered -- Straws -- Recycling old hats or new straw bodies and hoods in both woven straws and braid straws into the four basic styles (and in a sailor style) -- How to Make Frames -- Makings frames of the four basic styles -- How to Copy a Hat -- Copying hats in fabrics, felts or straws -- Fur Hats -- How to block, cut and finish fur -- Hats Made from Ties -- How to use mens ties and apply the directions for covering frames to your choice of frame -- All Over Flowered Hats -- Choosing or making foundations for the flowers and placing/gluing flowers on frames. Also covered are making and dyeing flowers and trimmings. This book contains 70 detailed illustrations and covers all of the above as well as sizing, veilings, ribbons, hat banding, lining, steaming, cleaning, crowns, brims, joiners, material for frames, stitches used and much more. Patterns include a cloche brim, jockey brim, novelty brim, sectional crown and feather and orchid trimmings. Sample book illustrations are shown on this page.
Please note: This is a spiral bound reproduction book of the out of print original
Spiral bound book is in excellent condition. Will conveniently lie flat while in use.