Fabulous Felt Hats: Dazzling Designs from Handmade Felt
Author:Chad Alice Hagen
Publisher: Lark Books, 2005
Binding: Softcover
Internationally-known felt artist Chad Hagen shows just how simple, good-looking, and varied feltmaking can be, as she guides you through the basics of making more than a dozen spectacular hand-sculpted hats. Here are 15 patterns with endless variations, all in classic shapes, and transformed into unique fashion statements with fanciful touches and exquisite embellishments. Berets have 'wings,' snoods come with long tails just right for scrunching up, and caps feature soft felt spikes or long "dreadlocks" to tie in knots. Even the most traditional designs, such as pillboxes and brimmed hats, sport whimsical tiny safety pins or beads and buttons. For those who prefer not to start from scratch, there's even advice on jazzing up store-bought hats.
Condition: Excellent RARE